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Show Grooming the Boxer - Day of Show Grooming- by Amber Gates

Grooming a Boxer for the Show Ring
The following are the directions for the day of show grooming needs.

Be sure the dog is bathed and Show Sheened


Baths should be done each week - this helps loosen the old fur and gets the oils going.

I recommend using a high quality shampoo and conditioner. Once bathed, spray the dog with the Show Sheen - while the dog is still damp - rub in with hands. Spray the  Show Sheen once more when the dog is nearly dry -buff lightly with a towel to enhance the shine.


Using the Self Rinse Plus, spray on the legs liberally. You can also spray the Self Rinse on a towel and apply to face

Rub briskly in with your hands, to achieve a good lather- apply more Self Rinse if there are extensive stains.

Dry off with a towel

Chalking is not necessary or required!

Using the Corn Starch and a brush


Liberally apply the starch to the white portions of the legs - essentially where ever there is white fur

Be sure to get between the toes and then gently brush off the extra powder - be sure to remove as much of the powder as possible - you should not be able to "see" the additive, and it should not come off on your hands.

The leg on the left has been "chalked" the leg on the right has been untouched. The advantage of the chalk is that it can even out the coat - mottling can be greatly diminished and temporary touch up of scars can be achieved with the chalk.

Last things, apply some Vaseline or baby oil to the nose, and if needed a bit of Visene in eyes with white haws or eyes that have become a bit red from stress.

Okay - there you go - no saying your dog will become a champion by following my directions...I am sure you will find some shortcuts and even some better products.

Best of luck!


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