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Cropped Ear Taping Method - by Amber Gates

Taping in either of the methods I show is no guarantee the ears will stand. These methods have been very successful for myself. Cropped ears require a lot of time and patience and continual tweaking to get the desired look.  A proper diet, timely medical care, and effective taping program will increase the odds your dogs cropped ears will look fabulous!

There are many pictures, so please be patient as they all load

Photo coming soon...can't seem to find the file!

  1. Tape - I prefer the Coach brand of porous tape

  2. Skin Bond  - this is for the later bracing methods and can also be used with any taping methods you choose

  3. Breathe Right Strips - this is for the later bracing methods

  4. Plastic Zip Ties - can be used for posting material

  5. Backing Rod - can be used for posting material (1/2" diameter)

  6. Zo-Eze - adhesive remover - less drama for the puppy during re-tapings

  7. Ear cleanser - use before taping up ears

  8. Towel - just in case you need it

  9. Ear Powder - not always needed - use before taping up ears

  10. scissors (not pictured) - most everything is tear able except the Zip Ties

Plastic Zip Tie Method Backer Rod Method
With which ever posting method you choose, measure the length needed and cut the zip strip or tear the foam about 1/2 -1 inch longer then needed


left blank intentionally
Sticky side up, roll out a length of tape and  lay zip strip on the tape
Sticky side up again, lay the tape on top of the tape and zip strip. Sticky side out, roll the tape around the post
Fold the ends into a blunted point - this is the end that goes into the ear canal. You can also put a bit of cotton ball at the end to protect the ear.

Fold the end of the tape over each end of the post.  Two posts all set, side by side

For each ear, you will need at least 4 pieces of tape, one shorter piece and one longer, two middle length pieces.
Finally...on to the taping!
Plastic Zip Tie Method Backer Rod Method
Insert the strip or post into the ear. Pull the ear gently but firmly straight up, begin by placing a strip of tape at the top of the ear, be sure that the piece of tape covers the entire tip of ear.
This is the backside of the ear, so you can see that the first piece of tape will fully cover the tip of ear. Once the tip is wrapped - take the longer strip of tape and stick it to the rod by the base of the ear. Again pull the ear straight up, and then wrap the tape around the back of the ear.

(just below my thumb- to the left of the end of tape - is a pocket in the ear - pockets are common, and relatively easy to fix, you just have to be diligent)

Wrap the length of tape around the ear. Showing the wrap around the back of the ear. This ear has what is called a "pocket"- where the ear will fall to the outside of the head, and it looks as if the ear is pushed out. I have placed a spare piece of backer rod into the pocket, and will wrap the "extra flap" of ear skin forward.
Once the tip is wrapped - take the longer strip of tape and stick it to the Strip by the base of the ear. Again pull the ear straight up, and then wrap the tape around the back of the ear. Showing the base of the ear fully taped. You can see the extra piece of backer rod poking through the bottom of the ear, and you can see how the ear skin is wrapped around the rod.
Showing the wrap around the back of the ear. If you have no ear pocket (see the backer rod description), you can easily leave the "extra skin flap" of the ear - just to the right of my thumb- where it is - essentially it always lays towards the back of the ear. Take the 2nd and 3rd pieces of tape and wrap in the same direction of the other tapes. (back to front)
Showing the base of the ear fully taped.

A fully taped Zip Strip ear. Repeat with the second ear. Be sure to "squeeze" the taped ear, to ensure good contact.

Fully taped ears with backer rod. Be sure to "squeeze" the taped ear, to ensure good contact.
Bridging ears

Bridging ears is very common, and does not always need to be done- is is all based on the effect of the type of ears you prefer. I prefer erect straight ears - so I alternate between bridging and not bridging.

Begin with a long piece of tape, start on one ear or the other, the front of the ear. Pull both ears upwards be sure they are straight (see above right), "brace" the ears together by taking your long piece of tape to the other ear (see below). You can adjust the ears, once you get them straight take another piece of tape and do the same taping at the back of the ear bridge. Press the two pieces of tape between the ears together to secure them.

A finished set of ears!




This site was designed by and maintained by Amber Gates.  All images, logos and photos are owned by Amber Gates and FarMore Boxers 2003-present©